Dota 2 Lycan Strategies: Abilities, Playstyle, and Items

Dec 23, 2024 | 0 comments

Lycan, also known as Banehallow, is a ferocious strength-based hero in Dota 2. A blend of man and wolf, he embraces his curse to lead his summoned wolves into battle and dominate the battlefield with relentless aggression. Lycan excels at pushing, map control, and overwhelming enemies with his army of wolves and transformation abilities. He is one of the most feared heroes when it comes to dismantling enemy towers and securing map objectives. Understanding his abilities and the synergies they create is essential to unlocking his full potential. Learn how to dominate with our Dota 2 Lycan Guide.

Lycan’s Abilities

Summon Wolves

Lycan calls forth two wolves to assist him in combat. These wolves gain invisibility at level 3 and the ability to cripple enemies at level 4. Crippling enemies reduces their movement and attack speed while dealing magical damage over time. With an Aghanim’s Shard upgrade, Lycan can summon lane wolves that push with creep waves, adding significant pressure to enemy towers. These lane wolves retain all abilities of their summoned counterparts, including the ability to apply Cripple on buildings. By managing the positioning of these wolves, players can scout enemy movements and create split-pushing opportunities.


Lycan’s blood-curdling cry reduces the armor and attack damage of all nearby enemies. At night, this ability becomes global, amplifying its effects significantly. Non-hero units are also affected, fleeing momentarily in fear. Howl is particularly effective in teamfights, as it weakens multiple enemies simultaneously and disrupts their ability to deal damage. Combining Howl with other area-of-effect abilities from allies can turn the tide of battle quickly. Timing this ability during night phases enhances its global impact, catching enemies off guard across the map.

Feral Impulse

This passive ability enhances Lycan and his controlled units, granting increased attack damage and health regeneration. Feral Impulse synergizes perfectly with Lycan’s wolves and summoned units, making him a fearsome presence during team pushes and prolonged fights. The ability’s aura benefits every unit under Lycan’s control, increasing their effectiveness in battles and sieges. With its global radius, Feral Impulse ensures that even distant summons remain potent and ready to strike.


Lycan’s ultimate ability transforms him into a wolf, granting him and his units haste, critical strike chances, and immunity to slows. During Shapeshift, Lycan moves at maximum speed and gains enhanced vision at night, making him a relentless predator on the battlefield. The transformation also grants bonus health, allowing Lycan to survive extended engagements and tank damage for his team. With an Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade, Lycan can cast Wolf Bite on an ally, turning them into a wolf and amplifying their combat prowess.

Early Game Strategy

Laning and Farming

Lycan is typically played as a safelane carry but can also function as an offlaner or midlaner. Starting with items like Tango, Healing Salve, Quelling Blade, and Iron Branch ensures good sustain and last-hitting potential. Focus on last-hitting and denying creeps to secure early gold and experience. Use Howl strategically to secure last hits or deny key creeps from your opponent. Avoid overusing Summon Wolves at early levels, as the mana cost can hinder your sustainability and impact in the lane.

Jungle Efficiency

Once Lycan secures early items like Power Treads and Helm of the Dominator, he becomes an efficient jungler. Rotate between lane creeps and neutral camps to maximize gold and experience gain. Manage wolves effectively to tank damage and maintain their survivability. Be mindful of jungle camps with stuns, such as Centaur camps, as these can disable your wolves and slow down your farming speed. As you clear camps, transition between jungling and pushing lanes to keep the enemy team on their toes.

Mid Game Power Spike


Helm of the Overlord and Assault Cuirass are core items for Lycan, providing enhanced durability and pushing power. Desolator further amplifies his ability to destroy towers and enemy heroes quickly. Black King Bar is essential for surviving crowd control and magical damage during fights. If you’re facing heavy physical damage, consider items like Heaven’s Halberd or Heart of Tarrasque for additional survivability. These items also synergize with Feral Impulse, giving Lycan and his controlled units more damage and durability in prolonged engagements.

Roshan Control

Lycan’s high damage output and summons allow him to solo Roshan early with the help of items like Medallion of Courage. Securing the Aegis of the Immortal bolsters your team’s ability to take aggressive fights and push objectives. Use Smoke of Deceit to avoid enemy vision when attempting to take Roshan. Once the Aegis is secured, Lycan can confidently lead the charge into enemy territory or create space for his team by pressuring multiple lanes. Timing your Roshan kills between enemy rotations is key to maintaining momentum.

Late Game Domination

Pushing and Sieging

In the late game, Lycan thrives as a split-pusher and teamfight disruptor. Use Shapeshift and Summon Wolves to apply pressure across the map, forcing enemies to defend while your team gains an advantage elsewhere. Lane wolves summoned with Aghanim’s Shard can continuously push out lanes, creating constant pressure on enemy structures. Coordinate with your team to siege high ground effectively, focusing on objectives while your wolves harass enemy backlines.

Teamfight Contribution

While Lycan excels at pushing, he can also contribute significantly in team fights by targeting backline heroes and disrupting enemy formations. Howl and Feral Impulse enhance your team’s effectiveness, while Shapeshift ensures you can chase down fleeing enemies or escape dangerous situations. Timing your initiation with Shapeshift can catch enemies off guard, forcing them into unfavorable positions. Combining Wolf Bite with an ally’s abilities adds another layer of unpredictability to your engagements.

Tips for Playing Lycan

Map Awareness

Constantly scout enemy movements using your wolves. Their invisibility and speed make them excellent tools for providing vision, spotting ganks, or tracking key targets. Keeping your wolves alive while scouting maximizes their value, ensuring you maintain map control throughout the game.

Timing and Coordination

Timing is crucial for Lycan’s success. Activate Shapeshift during key fights or when engaging crucial objectives. Proper coordination with your team ensures that you capitalize on your transformation’s power, creating opportunities to secure kills and objectives. Pairing Lycan’s abilities with teammates who excel at pushing or controlling the map further amplifies his impact.


Lycan struggles against crowd control and burst damage. Heroes with disables, Break mechanics, or AoE abilities can counter his summons and limit his effectiveness. Build defensive items like Black King Bar to mitigate these threats. Consider scouting enemy drafts during the pick phase to anticipate potential counters and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Final Thoughts

Lycan’s unique playstyle makes him one of the most versatile heroes in Dota 2. His ability to dominate the map, pressure objectives, and contribute to teamfights ensures he remains a valuable pick in both pub games and competitive play. With careful micromanagement and a strong understanding of his abilities, Lycan can dismantle enemy strategies and lead his team to victory.


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